Note and Rest Entry MidiIllustrator Maestro Only Feature

Command Location:  Insert Menu

Setting Entry Item Qualities

The Insert menu lists all the commands available for setting the qualities for note and rest entry.  These commands are also available on program toolbars when the Editing Palettes are displayed.  Keyboard shortcuts also provide a very quick route to configuring the entry item.

Entry item qualities are only relevant to Edit Mode (Normal Entry, Mouse Entry, Power Edit) when MidiIllustrator is ready to entry new notation, and the cursor is positioned on the score.  These 'entry item' qualities will be applied to each new item when it is created.  However, MidiIllustrator will also try to automatically apply the correct qualities for the new item given its 'entry context' (see below).

The Entry Cursor

The current entry item qualities are shown on the Editing Palette toolbars and are also displayed as a flashing cursor (eg a flashing quarter note or a flashing rest) at the entry position.  When this cursor is shown as greyed or faded, the current entry qualities are not valid for insertion at the current position.

Quality Details
Duration The duration of the entry note/rest can be modified incrementally using the Duration: Increase/Decrease commands.  If you would like MidiIllustrator to include dotted durations in the choice of increased or decreased durations, see the Include dots when incrementing duration of selection option in Editing options.


When selecting tuplet durations, remember that tuplet notes are always treated by MidiIllustrator as a unit, and so a whole tuplet will be added at the insertion point.  For example, in the case of a triplet addition, a single triplet note will be added followed by two triplet rests.  There must be enough space in the current measure for a complete tuplet to be added.

Adding subsequent notes when the cursor is within the tuplet range will populate the various 'branches' of the tuplet.

The current version of MidiIllustrator supports the following tuplet types: triplets and quintuplets.

See the Keyboard Shortcuts for this function.

Voice Sets the entry voice to Upper Voice, Lower Voice or Single Voice.

Note that when adding notes and rests to measure which contains more than one voice at the insertion point, you must first select the appropriate voice so that MidiIllustrator knows which music 'idea' you are modifying.

See Voices for more information.

See the Keyboard Shortcuts for this function.

Note Enharmonic Enharmonic Spelling

These commands leave the pitch of the entry note unchanged, and only alters the way the entry note is displayed.  The various spellings which are available (depending on the particular key/pitch):

  • Double Sharp
  • Sharp
  • Natural
  • Flat
  • Double Flat

When you subsequently alter the entry pitch, the enharmonic spelling will be removed and the Default Enharmonic Entry Spelling will be applied to future additions (see below).

Note that any accidental in the spelling will only be shown if it has not already been displayed on the staff line earlier in the measure (normal notating rules), or if the Entry Note Shows Courtesy Accidental option is enabled (see below).

Default Enharmonic Entry Spelling

This can be either:

  • Sharp, or
  • Flat

When moving the cursor in Edit mode, vertical position commands alter the pitch of the entry note.  A single 'up' or 'down' pitch (from the keyboard arrow keys) will raise or lower the entry pitch chromatically (by a semitone) and any appropriate accidental necessary to represent the new pitch on the staff will be displayed automatically. 

For example in a staff with a key signature of C, a pitch up command when the cursor pitch is at middle C will result in a new pitch of C# or Db.  Whether the new pitch is displayed as C# or Db is determined by the current "Default Enharmonic Entry Spelling".  This value is set when a score is first created, and is based on the opening key signature of the piece.  Generally speaking, for key signatures containing flats (eg the key F in which all B notes are flattened to Bb), the default enharmonic entry spelling will also be flat.  Similarly for the key of C and all keys containing sharps, the default enharmonic entry spelling will be set to sharp.

You can change the spelling for just the current entry by setting the pitch of the entry note, then changing the Enharmonic Spelling (see above).  But if you need to make many note additions with a different default spelling (Sharp or Flat), you can first change the Default Enharmonic Entry Spelling.

See the Keyboard Shortcuts for this function.

Note Accidental Entry Note Accidental

Note accidental commands will alter the pitch of the entry note.  The accidentals which are available (depending on the particular key/pitch) are:

  • Double Sharp
  • Sharp
  • Natural
  • Flat
  • Double Flat

When you subsequently alter the entry pitch, the accidental spelling will be removed and the Default Enharmonic Entry Spelling will be reapplied to the entry note (see above).

Entry Note Shows Courtesy Accidental

With this option enabled, any accidental in the spelling of the entry pitch will be shown even if it has already been displayed on the staff line earlier in the measure (normal notating rules would not repeat the accidental, thus keeping the score uncluttered).

If for example, the entry note is Bb on a staff with a key signature of F major, where all B notes are flat as standard, then no flat accidental will be shown to the left of the Bb note unless Entry Note Shows Courtesy Accidental is enabled.

Once notes have been added with courtesy accidentals activated, the courtesy accidentals can be deactivated by selecting the notes and using commands from the Notes menu.

Note that the Show Courtesy Accidentals option in Score Options will override any 'per note' courtesy accidental setting, and will display accidentals (as appropriate) next to every note.

See the Keyboard Shortcuts for this function.

Pitch Raises or lowers the pitch of the entry note chromatically, or the vertical position of the entry rest.  See Default Enharmonic Entry Spelling (above) for information on the enharmonic spelling of the new pitch (flat or sharp).

See the Keyboard Shortcuts for this function.

Note Volume... Opens the Entry Note Volume Dialog so you can set the default volume for the entry note (default 64).  This volume will be applied to all notes added until the volume is changed once again.

When notes are selected, their volume can be changed using command in the Notes menu.

See the Keyboard Shortcuts for this function.

Automatic Rest Placement

In general, MidiIllustrator automatically fills all the silence in a measure with rests according to standard notations rules (completing beats with rests as necessary etc).  As you add and remove notes, these virtual rests are shortened, lengthened and deleted as necessary to 'complete' the notation.

In Edit Mode, these automatically placed rests are displayed in a different color to rests which have been specifically added to the score (manually placed rests are darker, the same color as notes).  As you 'firm up' automatic rests they are displayed as other manually entered notation.

Adding Notes and Rests in Multiple Voices

To assist with composing in multiple voices in a given measure, MidiIllustrator also displays a special 'virtual' type of rest where more than one voice is displayed in a given measure.  Read more about Voice Guide Rests.

Context Entry

When the entry note duration at the current insertion point cannot be accommodated, MidiIllustrator will try to automatically apply a 'duration fit' for the new item given its 'entry context'.  This automatic fit can apply to several contexts:

In some cases, entry note qualities other than duration will prevent MidiIllustrator from selecting a duration which fits into the current context.  In this case, the flashing cursor item will be displayed in faded colors, indicating that no addition or insertion is possible.

Inserting versus Adding

If it is possible to insert (rather than 'add') a new item at the cursor location in a given measure, MidiIllustrator will display insert indicator arrows both above and below the flashing entry note.  Moving the cursor to the left of an existing item at any time will display the insert arrows indicating that insertion with the current entry qualities is possible.

When a note or rest is inserted rather than added, all items (notes and rests) to the right of the entry item will be shifted further to the right to make room for the new item.  When a measure contains more than one voice, notation in all voices to the right of the insert point will be shifted (rather than just notation in the entry voice).

The insert arrows are only displayed when inserting is possible.