Import Options

Command Location: Tools Menu / Program Options / Import Options Tab

Hide Completely Empty MIDI tracks You have the option of setting MidiIllustrator to automatically hide completely empty MIDI tracks on the score when you import or edit the notation of a file.

This allows MidiIllustrator to make the best use of space on the screen and printed page, showing you only those staves that are populated.

This is on by default.

Hide Empty Portions of Staves On Score You have the option of setting MidiIllustrator to automatically hide empty portions of staves on score within the score when you import or edit the notation of a file.

This allows MidiIllustrator to make the best use of space on the screen and printed page, showing you only the populated staves of each staff in the file. This is on by default.

See also 'Hide Empty Portions of Staves' in the Staves Menu.

This is on by default.