Expression Menu commands MidiIllustrator Maestro Only Feature

The Expression menu will only appear when an expression object has been selected.

Expressions are displayed as rich text objects so font formatting is possible using the right-click context menu in the edit boxes.

As well as appearing in the main program menu, these menu commands are usually available as a context menu when you right-click the mouse on the score.

Keyboard Shortcuts exist for quick access to these commands.

The menu offers the following commands:

Edit Expression Begin editing the selected expression.

This command is available only in Edit Mode.

Add/Edit Next Expression Adds a new expression at the next possible insertion point (to the right of the current cursor position) or if an expression already exists at that position, begins editing that expression.  See also the Insertion options in Editing Options to alter this behavior.

This command is available only in Edit Mode.

Add/Edit Previous Expression Adds a new expression at the next possible insertion point (to the left of the current cursor position) or if an expression already exists at that position, begins editing that expression.  See also the Insertion options in Editing Options to alter this behavior.

This command is available only in Edit Mode.

Shift Expression Allows you to quickly shift the selected item(s) forwards or backwards in the score.

This command is available only in Edit Mode.

Delete Expression(s) Deletes selected expressions.